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In the summer of 2021, Outsiderwear Festival, started in Amsterdam. For three weeks streetwear made by t “outsider” and “insider” artists were shown at different locations in the city. More than 40 “outsider” and “insider” artist brought a dynamic program with exhibitions, workshops, tours and an activist photo campaign. Outsiderwear is an initiative of artist Jan Hoek and Foundation Captain Hoek in collaboration with Stichting M-ODE en Outsider Art Galerie / Cordaan.

During Outsiderwear Festival you saw, that the similarities between the so called “outsider artists” and “insider artists” are much bigger then the differences. All artists have a unique mind and style, are filled with talent and are representatives their own universe. We are looked forward to a future in which the boundaries between these two worlds are blurred.

Outsiderwear was a project in which talented “outsider” artists collaborate with emerging or already successful fashion designers, streetwear labels and artists. An outsider artist is an artist with, for example, a mental or physical disability, a psychological vulnerability or a “homeless background”. Nowadays there is already more attention for outsider art, but the world of outsider art rarely comes together with the mainstream creative industry. Outsiderwear breaks this dichotomy, and connects the worlds of insiders and outsiders through collaborations and various activities.

The project resulted in a gallery Outsiderland, which is now No Limits Art Castle

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